Sunday, March 14, 2010

Definition of an adult: part 1

I can't figure out what is going on in the world and it's becoming increasingly frusterating. I believe that knowing of and understanding current events is important, not just to seem intelligent at cocktail parties or in front of your intellectual friends, but because being clued in on our world affairs is an incredible asset of the well-rounded human being. How can I possibly be upset, angered, passionate or excited at any new discovery, event, decision, anything, when I don't even minorally understand what that really means for the nation or the world? I am not saying that I want to know every detail of every fact or be able to recite the biography of every significant politico, I am just saying that I would like to have a moment of thorough cognitive recognition when I see or hear anything at all political or noteworthy in general.

I want to be worldly, but I will settle for somewhat knowledgable.

Right now all I see and hear are "sfshfkjhdsfirhewnfidhv erheworfhsdfkn" and I am starting to feel like an ignorant fool. Once out of college, keeping up on anything newsworthy becomes difficlut, even a strain. I don't want to end up spouting what I hear from others without any sort of context. I want to be able to hold an adult conversation.

Am I lazy? Well then call us lazy. There has got to be more than one with this same frustration. Is this the problem with today's society? Too many opinions, not enough real understanding?

Am I hitting on too many entirely different issues? I feel that I am.

Here lies my particular frustration. How does one jump into any discussion of a current event? How can one possibly decipher between fact and opinion without basic know-how on who, what, where, and why? Where can I find this primary information? That's what we need. I mean, am I the only one who wants to understand, wants to be a productive adult with actual valid opinions but is getting lost in the media frenzy? There are too many options for finding information and it's becoming counterproductive. Where is that internet site that searches for the basic W-question facts after entering a keyword query?

It needs to be displayed plainly in front of me. Search keyword "War in Afghanistan" and I want to see Who, What, Where and Why lined up first thing followed by links, descriptions, pictures, etc. Does this site exist? I promise you it would change my life. If not, well get on it Google!

Once I feel that I have a basic knowledge of world events and people, then I will truly consider myself an adult.


  1. I know you are an adult because to me being an adult means responsibility and ownership of your actions after the age of 18. You may not feel like it but everyone sees you as one. I guess you have to be most comfortable with yourself before admitting you are an adult.

  2. I often feel the same way. Where is all this information that spawns the opinions? I've learned that it's about keeping up. The more you read news articles and keep reading, then when there are opinions you know where they came from. Also, the more you read the more you can pick out the pieces that are true - like a Venn Diagram. The circle that is in common when filtering through opinions. Yikes. Venn Diagrams? I know this is scary, but here's math applied. And that answers that question I asked when I was 14.

    Also, "Adult." ? Your definition is probably not the same as most people, and most "adults" would not qualify as Jennifer's "adults" if held up to this standard. But that's why you are my friend, and why you have a blog, and why you question. Because you are a good person who holds yourself to the standard you BELIEVE and FEEL is right and is good rather than just what is. Though you could probably lighten up on yourself a bit. Watch some Jaywalking and feel better.
