Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ick....but it's ok

I'm skipping my writing community ed class and probably going to skip an intense workout too. I think I will spend my evening the old fashioned, pre-workout routine way, by sitting on the living room floor, watching Sex and the City and various other shows while eating dark chocolate M&M's and ice cream.

I thought about feeling guilty for this...I did spend $30 on the class and am now missing a session with only 4 to miss, and even though my first excuse (that it looked like a wicked storm was coming) has kind of disappeared and I still have time to make it, it's a twenty minute drive across town and I am going with the better luck next week mentality. And though this may look like I am falling back into old patterns I'm not. This is simply a mental health night.

Since it already feels like an icky week at work, I'm not going to stress it at home. Guilt be gone! What I am slowly learning is that you gotta do what you want, what your feeling at that time. Granted, what I am feelin at most times is not to steal lipsticks at Shopko or roll around wasted on my kitchen floor but more like slumping on the couch and unstimulating my mind with trash tv and magazines. What's the harm in that?

Also, to summarize thoughts from The Happiness Project, if you feel like poo, act like ice cream. Meaning, ice cream is so much better/happier/nicer than a pile of stink; so help yourself out and fake it till you make it.

Point being, you just have to roll with the punches and enjoy yourself minus the icky guilt. You don't have to continually tell yourself that you suck as a human being just because you aren't living up some so-called ideal expectations. And for God's sake, don't get vocal with your self-insults, you'll look like a sad person, or at least a worrisome person and nobody wants to chat with a worrisome self-insulter. Even when you are having an icky week and don't want to talk to anyone anyway, this is not the way to go about it! Don't burn bridges, this is another wise cliche I've learned.

So basically this post was brought to you by the letter A for: Awesome Advice, Acting how you want to feel and Always having Amazing ice cream.

I am going to go get a bowl of said ice cream and crack open my SHAPE workout magazine while sitting on my ass now.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Carrie Bradshaw - my new BFF, fanatical shopping and cheesecake dinners

The week is flowing along semi-smoothly with the bumps involving missing ipods, allergies and pale legs...and since I unofficially made Wednesdays my 'no gym' fun days, I decided to explore some rarely visited shopping arenas while indulging my latest fashion cravings.

The root of this hunger? Shoes. I have been wanting, NEEDing new shoes and as I sit here listening to Samantha tell her 3 best gal pals about kegals I am basking in the glory that is cute new shoes.


not that I am a name brand hound, but they are PRETTY! AND they happen to be just what I was looking for, more or less.

Though the Sports Authority salesman somewhat ominously stated that he 'knew' which ones they were before I even opened the box to show him,he found my size (the very last ones which OF COURSE means it was meant to be!) and I happily pranced to the front counter for purchase. Well actually, I hulked to the front counter after circling the store two or three more times because as it is stated in the title, this was an evening of fanatical shopping. Hulked...because I am haggard from allergies which means my eyes are practically in the back of my head and droopy and, well, haggard people hulk.

Oh, and I saw this: http://www.karatedepot.com/tr-bg-02.html

Ok, not exactly this but this one had better ratings so it is now on my wish list. I like to punch and kick things. Excitement!

So since I was shopping in such a state, I couldn't go home now! I drove to Kohls which I never go to because that means driving to Meridian, however I reasoned that I was half way there so I might as well check it out. With Phoebe alongside me (best shopping buddy ever) we drove the distance. Was it worth it? If you call two sexy rocker black clearance purses worth it then yes, yes it was. Excitement.

By the time I had circled that store 5 or 6 times, I made it back to my vehicle and home. It was now 9:30 and there was no dinner in my belly. Salt in the late evening equals a very bloaty morning and so the only reasonable solution was to have cheesecake and strawberries instead. Very Satisfying.

At the moment, I am half way through my Sex and the City marathon and about ready for bed. Job well done Jennifer, job well done.